Tuesday 1 January 2013

New beginnings....

New year, new beginnings and hopefully a new me.  I like the current me, but parts of me I am tired of and want to change, for the better.

Over the past few weeks as 2012 was drawing to a close I started to think about what I wanted in life, what I want to achieve, who I want to be.  I realised a number of things on my own and was told by others about certain things I should maybe look at.  Being told of these things hurt me somewhat, nothing disastrous mind, but it certainly made me think about certain ways I behave and why I do so.  More so when I was being told the same tings from more than one person.  So from all of these realisations I have decided not to actually give anything up as such but rather to take on different attitudes and behaviours.  Positive ones.

My first "resolution" is to say "NO" to taking on extra work or projects.  I am always busy, running here and there, helping people out, getting involved in voluntary projects and basically running myself into the ground.  So this year I will continue to be involved in things but just not as many things!!

My second resolution is to be more positive about my relationship with guys.  To reduce my fear of rejection and to even sometimes take a chance and maybe even take the mahussive step of asking a guy out on a date.  Within this resolution I am also going to try and believe in myself more, that I am a good person, I am beautiful, I have an okay-ish body and that I deserve to be loved.

The third resolution stems from what TWO guys said to me this weekend.  Mortified when it was said to me, but nonetheless am glad it was said to me so that I can work on it and fix it.  It seems I use my "wit" and "sarcasm" negatively to slag off guys I actually really like.  I try to make things a joke as a defense mechanism but actually I just insult them.  I WILL change this.  What a horrid trait.  Horrid, horrid, horrid.

Finally I also plan on changing my dietary habits and am also going to try and be more patient and helpful with my mum though rather than making these resolutions, I am just making them BE me.

So that's it.  My first blog.  The first day of the new year.  The first day of the new me, which let's be honest didn't start so well having TWO takeaways and not leaving the couch!  Tomorrow is another day.  It's okay to stumble, just pick yourself up again, brush yourself off and start over.

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