Monday 7 January 2013

Only you can decide.

Many say "things happen for a reason", I am one of those.  Though in reality I have never really thought much about the concept itself.  Last night, as I was playing in a training match for an National tournament this weekend I got a ball into the face, breaking my nose.  I am gutted.  It is looking like I may not be able to now play in the tournament.  Myself and my team, of which I am the captain, have been working hard for this tournament since the beginning of November.  We have committed extra time for training each week throughout our normal season and also over our Christmas holidays and then BOOM, 3 days before the event I get wiped out.

My friend, an officer of the law, drove me to the hospital to get checked out.  It was she that said to me "you know Rack, things happen for a reason.  You could have been in a car crash on the way home this evening".  I agreed.  We discussed this and other events that had happened over our lives and what we think the reasoning behind them was.   I began to wonder, what really is the reason, or is there even one?  Was it just pure bad luck and really shitty timing?  Or did this happen to prevent something worse happening to me?  To be honest, that's where I stop.  I try not to over think things, actually most of the time I am too lazy to over think things.  Things happen.  Shitty as some things may be, they happen.  Get on with it, live your life, be happy and be the best person you can be.

I certainly haven't counted myself out of playing this weekend, no matter what the doctor says.  Silly maybe, but I know me, I know what I am capable of and I don't want to let my team down.  The final decision will be made on the day.  No one can make that decision, but me.  I will be who I want to be.

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